When you focus on living food, losing weight doesn’t have to be a tedious process at all. What exactly does this entail? Simply by ensuring that your plate reflects a variety of colors, you will naturally design meals that are more balanced and healthy, complete with a variety of items that are still alive.
What are some examples of living foods? Fruits, vegetables, and salads are all examples of foods that are alive, vibrant, freshly prepared, and uncooked.
Let’s Look on the Bright Side, Shall We?
- Foods that are naturally colorful do not include any artificial coloring or preservatives.
- Ensure that there is an enough supply of various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, water, and trace elements.
- Consist mostly of water, making them a wonderful source of hydration for the body due to their high water content.
- Have an appetizing appearance to them.
- Because of their solid textures, they need a decent chewing, which causes us to consume them more slowly, which results in us feeling fuller afterward.
- are rapidly and effortlessly absorbed and assimilated by the body, hence reducing the amount of labor performed by the digestive system.
- Are safer – contain less undesired man-made substances.
- Reflect nature in its purest form, in contrast to the highly processed and pre-packaged state of today’s fast food.
- are not just food but also pure energy.
Taking in Foods That Have Been Cooked
- The minerals that give colorful foods their vitality are destroyed when the meal is heated. To such an extreme that there are instances when you may as well be eating cardboard for all the benefit it provides to your body.
- The efficiency of fiber in cooked fresh meals is diminished; veggies that are limp and overdone have a diminished “cleaning” impact on the body as they go through the digestive tract.
- Whenever you prepare veggies by cooking them, you should always steam them softly and strive to keep their “crunch”!
- Because cooked veggies tend to become mushy and require less chewing as a result, people prefer to consume them more quickly, which results in a feeling of dissatisfaction after eating them.
- The enzymes that are naturally present in fresh meals are killed by heat, which makes them less digestible. This indicates that in order to assist the digestive process, the body must draw upon its own limited supply of enzymes, which are extremely valuable.
- The enzymes that are naturally present in fresh meals are killed by heat, which makes them less digestible. This indicates that in order to assist the digestive process, the body must draw upon its own limited supply of enzymes, which are extremely valuable.

I am Dr Shashikant, a pathologist and medical writer by profession. Please contact-ruc.isha@gmail.com for medical writing, Pathology online tutoring for usmle,meetpg,plab,fmge,mbbs,md