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Antioxidants: Consume the rainbow’s colours!

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Antioxidants: Consume the rainbow’s colours!

Today, antioxidants are in vogue. And rightfully so. Antioxidants aid in scavenging free radicals that harm cells and can ultimately result in cancer and heart disorders. You seem to encounter blueberries everywhere you turn. You can choose from a variety of blueberry juices, including wild blueberry, blueberry-pomegranate, blueberry-cranberry, and more.

Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m a huge blueberry fan. However, we’re ignoring several foods that are extremely strong in antioxidants that are likely sitting unnoticed in our cupboards in our haste to embrace the most recent antioxidant food trend (blueberries, cranberries, and pomegranates).

“What?” What could possibly have more antioxidants than my favourite wild blueberry, you wonder? What about the tiny red bean, then? I did indeed say “bean.” Contrary to popular belief, the little red bean has more antioxidants per serving than the wild blueberry. Additionally, compared to a portion of grown blueberries, the red kidney bean and pinto bean offer higher antioxidants per serving size.

Which additional foods have a high antioxidant content? There are artichoke hearts, blackberries, prunes, nuts, plums, spinach, kale, russet potatoes, and so forth as starts. And no, there was no error there. On the list of foods high in antioxidants are russet potatoes.

The truth is that there are numerous popular meals that are strong in antioxidants, so you shouldn’t limit your diet to a single type of food. Why? Have you heard the saying “eat your colours” before? This alludes to the fact that foods are classified into many hue “families” and contain various antioxidants, each of which has a unique set of advantages. For instance, peaches and nectarines in the yellow-orange hue family support our immune systems. Pomegranates, plums, and berries are members of the purple-red food colour family, which reduces inflammation. To fully benefit from antioxidants, it’s crucial to eat a variety of foods.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on the “flavour of the month” antioxidant juices being sold in supermarkets if you eat nutritious foods high in antioxidants (by eating them raw, boiling them, or making your own juice).

So, at the dinner table, invite some people to join your meal. Enjoy your antioxidants by inviting some beans, spinach, potatoes, and artichoke hearts!

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